• Question: What's the best renewable energy source?

    Asked by TinyDancer to Aileen, Caroline, Christopher, Rehemat, Stephanie, Stephen on 12 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Christopher Nankervis

      Christopher Nankervis answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      Hydroelectric power is currently our best renewable energy source. Flowing water can be used to generate large and powerful turbines to generate massive amounts of energy. Many parts of the world like Japan and Scandinavian countries produce a significant portion of their energy this way.

    • Photo: Stephanie Mann

      Stephanie Mann answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      Chris is right though Hydro power is only viable in specific countries (Scotland and Norway are good examples). Iceland is one of the only 100% renewable countries and they get their energy from the heat inside the earth (geothermal, like in their hot springs). This is considered renewable because that heat will never run out and doesn’t add carbon dioxide into the air.

      Other renewable energy is becoming much cheaper. Wind energy in the UK is the cheapest by far and is becoming as cheap as building new oil power plants, and is much cheaper than nuclear. Solar is getting cheaper year on year and hot countries like India it’s the cheapest form of energy at all!

    • Photo: Aileen Baird

      Aileen Baird answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      I think between them, Stephanie and Chris have answered this- it very much depends on where you are in the world. All the different renewable energies could be developed to make them more efficient and easier though, which is something we need more scientists and engineers to be working on!

    • Photo: Stephen Twomlow

      Stephen Twomlow answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      At present various forms of hydro power – if we can harness the energy of the waves this would be great. Link this to some of the work being done to convert excess energy into alcohol using water and CO2 and we have a winning system – but the alcohol is to replace the fossil fuels not for drinking
