• Question: just what is the average temperature of the earth

    Asked by 367cmtm36 to Aileen, Caroline, Christopher, Rehemat, Stephanie, Stephen on 9 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Aileen Baird

      Aileen Baird answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      It depends on which part of the Earth you are measuring- check out this graph from NASA though showing how the temperature of the Earth’s surface has increased since around 1880:

    • Photo: Christopher Nankervis

      Christopher Nankervis answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      The Earth’s average surface temperature is approximately 15 degrees Celsius, though this changes from year to year and between seasons. The Northern Hemisphere has more land to heat up during the summer months than the Southern Hemisphere that is mostly ocean. In combination with Arctic sea ice melt more during the summer months, the Earth is substantially warmer during these months.

    • Photo: Rehemat Bhatia

      Rehemat Bhatia answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      depends where you are the world! this website has some maps that will help https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/global-maps/

    • Photo: Stephen Twomlow

      Stephen Twomlow answered on 10 Mar 2018:

      As the others say – it depends where you are on the plant and the time of year. Check out this new website : http://regioclim.climateanalytics.org/choices – only works for Africa at the moment, but shows average rainfall and temperatures between 1986 and 2005, and using various climate models shows the predicted changes that will occur between 2030 and 2050

    • Photo: Stephanie Mann

      Stephanie Mann answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      This question has been answered very well but I would just add that the average temperature has already increased by around 1 degree Celsius in around 70 years, and the increase is happening faster than ever. Another degree Celsius will bring about lots of extreme weather and even the 2 degree goal set by the world committee on climate change is seen as too much by lots of people who will likely lose their homes with a 2 degree change.
