• Question: Is it difficult being a scientist or is it great fun finding new species and cures for people(like cancer)?

    Asked by 789cmtm32 to Stephanie, Rehemat on 6 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Rehemat Bhatia

      Rehemat Bhatia answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Being a scientist is great fun – I love discovering new things every day and looking at samples that no one else has seen before.

      But it is definitely challenging at times too. Sometimes, your experiments don’t work out and you have to find another way to do them or your data might give you a complicated story and you have no idea how to solve it. This is where talking with other scientists is very important because they might have ideas about how to help/guide you. They are generally willing to help you, are excited by what you are doing and I’ve not been told “no I won’t help you” yet. Science is never just done by one person, it’s always done by a team 🙂 and the best science is often done by lots of people working together!

    • Photo: Stephanie Mann

      Stephanie Mann answered on 7 Mar 2018:

      Sometimes it’s hard work trying to solve new puzzles but it’s fun at the same time. I have great fun every day and I am always learning new things, which is the best!

      I don’t find new species and cures sadly, I work in renewable energy. What I do find are new ways to make electricity without harming our planet which is just as important as finding new medicines and species!
