• Question: From your prospective, how can we decrease global warming and why?

    Asked by 838cmtm29 to Aileen, Caroline, Christopher, Rehemat, Stephanie, Stephen on 13 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Stephanie Mann

      Stephanie Mann answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      The 4 best things people can do at home are:
      Drive less and walk/ cycle or get public transport
      Reduce our footprint by using less electricity (does your phone need charged all night?)
      Turn the heating down 1 or 2 degrees and wear a jumper
      Eat less meat and more vegetables grown in the UK (yum!)

      For the biggest impact, countries and leaders need to help by changing from coal to renewables, and start making oil and petrol and sirty fuels more expensive!

    • Photo: Christopher Nankervis

      Christopher Nankervis answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      We can slow down global warming by switching to renewable energy sources. This needs to happen as quickly as possible across the world. All countries need to agree to act now.

    • Photo: Stephen Twomlow

      Stephen Twomlow answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Plant trees, switch of lights and appliances when not in use, walk or cycle to school rather than have your mum or dad drive you

    • Photo: Aileen Baird

      Aileen Baird answered on 14 Mar 2018:

      Stephanie’s basically said my answer word for word here! What I’d like to add is that small changes can make a big difference if every person if doing them! You can make small gradual changes and build them up so that it really isn’t too difficult.
