• Question: How can we all contribute to helping to save our planet?

    Asked by 753cmtm29 to Aileen, Christopher, Rehemat, Stephanie, Stephen on 14 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Stephanie Mann

      Stephanie Mann answered on 14 Mar 2018:

      The best things you can do are:
      1. Walk or cycle to school instead of taking the car
      2. Use less plastic and materials, or reuse bottles and bags
      3. Turn off lights and don’t leave things plugged in charging all night
      4. Eat more veg that’s grown in the UK
      If we all do this there would be a lot of change together. Then big country leaders would need to help by making dirty fossil fuels more expensive, then people would choose to do the right thing because it’s cheaper!

    • Photo: Aileen Baird

      Aileen Baird answered on 14 Mar 2018:

      There are lots of ways! You can try to use less electricity- making sure you turn lights off, turn the heating down a little bit, only leaving your phone plugged into charge whilst its actually charging! You can also try to travel in ways that use less fossil fuels- walking, cycling, or using public transport like trains and buses rather than driving. Not flying to other countries also saves a lot of fossil fuels. Other things you could do is try to not waste any food, or maybe try eating less meat (or becoming vegetarian!). There are lots of little steps you can take, and if everyone made a small effort it could make a big difference!

    • Photo: Christopher Nankervis

      Christopher Nankervis answered on 14 Mar 2018:

      Good question. Simple things can make a difference. Consider asking your parents to turn their central heating down by a degree. Turn your temperature down on your washing machine. Hang your washing out to dry on the line, rather than using a dryer. Take the stairs, rather than using a lift. Cycle to work, or walk to school. Take public transport, rather than using a car. Wear an extra layer of clothes in your house if you’re cold rather than turning up your heating. All these steps will help 🙂

    • Photo: Stephen Twomlow

      Stephen Twomlow answered on 15 Mar 2018:

      wow where to start. First of all if you can walk or cycle rather than getting your parents to drive you somewhere do so – not only benefits the planet but you yourself with exercise. Or if you can take public transport. Remember to switch of lights and appliances when not in use – every little helps. then think about recycling – get a drinks bottle not throw away plastic bottles – make sure you recycle – get your Dad to make a small compost bin if you have a garden and compost all the organic waste. before you know it you have good compost for the garden
